Anyone who knows me could have seen this one coming as the inaugural post. More than anything in the world - except maybe centipedes but they're really just elongated arachnids right? - spiders FREAK me out! I have no problem with snakes, rats, you name it, but put a latrodectus mactans in front of me and I'm standing on a chair screaming like a little girl. Spiders just aren't natural - the way they walk upside down and look at you through their creepy little compound eyes. People try to make the argument that they eat other bothersome insects, that they're a key part of the delicate ecological balance, blah-bedy blah blah... it's all propoganda, spread by the evil hoards of satan! (Actually, that designation could just as easily describe the spiders themselves...)
What's a little bit strange is that bigger doesn't necessarily = worse... at least for me. Tarantulas are actually probably my favorite spiders (it's not as if I'm going to run out and buy one as a pet though). Their bulk and the hair makes them seem almost like little mutant mice or something, not exactly pleasant but certainly preferable to their smaller, spinier cousins that can hide in the folds of your sheets and...
...excuse me, I just had to step away for a moment to jump around hysterically and make high-pitched noises...
And in case you didn't agree with me that spiders are the evil-est, ugliest, freakiest and most horrible creations ever to disgrace the face of this lovely planet, I offer a little photographic persuasion.
Until next time...
Spiders are NASTY NASTY NASTY! But if we didn't have spiders, we wouldn't have your Torrey spider story and the world would be much more somber without that gem. Love you!
By the way, something that I really hate is that picture of the baby in your header for this blog! Yikes!
So do you hate spiders enough to pay the pest exteriminator guys $100 every 3 months to spray your house in defense of an invasion by the despised little beasts? I had a guy visit last week (in the middle of my bookclub, I might add!) who was sticking pictures in my face that graphically illustrated how the hobo spider's bite could scar my young children for life. I hate spiders too... but my hatred doesn't run $400 a year deep. : )
Actually, I DO hate them that much - there's a guy in our ward who does it though so we get s discount :)
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